Not sure if scuba diving is for you? Book a Try Dive and we’ll arrange a suitable evening for you to come and join us in the pool for an evening underwater.
Before your Try Dive an instructor will talk you through the basics of diving and scuba equipment required. In no time you’ll be in the pool under the watchful eye of an MKSAC instructor, breathing underwater and experiencing the awesome thrill of weightlessness.
You just need to bring swimwear, an old T-shirt and a towel because all equipment will be provided.
Our Milton Keynes Try Dives cost just £25, and can be booked online. We’ll ask you to complete a basic medical and responsibility declaration beforehand.
Please note: there is no minimum age for Try Dives (subject to equipment conditions), but if the attendee is under 18, a parent or guardian needs to give permission and be present on the evening.